Whether you’re a primary or secondary headteacher, or CEO of a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), literacy attainment is always going to be high on your agenda. Teachers, literacy leads, and teaching assistants (TAs) need to be equipped with the most effective evidence-based literacy intervention programme for their pupils.
With ReadingWise, your teachers and pupils will benefit from tailored, evidence-based programmes that can target pupils' specific reading and comprehension requirements. Trusted by hundreds of schools, the 5 ReadingWise modules can be delivered individually or using a coordinated approach depending on a pupil's reading age and the age-based attainment improvements a teacher is aiming to achieve.
Choose the modules to suit your school context – or speak to one of our team for guidance.
Literacy Intervention Programme Modules
ReadingWise offers four core modules, plus a comprehensive Learners Library, Teacher Training, and a Dashboard that you can integrate with other school software, and use to demonstrate attainment against the Pupil Premium Budget.
Years 2-11: So much more than just another phonics programme. Our decoding module, for primaries and secondaries, develops deep independence in learners, empowers them and consistently improves reading ages by over 9 months in just 20 hours.

Decoding is a powerful literacy intervention module.
- It starts by assessing a learner’s reading age, then creating a carefully structured, personalised learning journey.
- Learners work through blends, progress through common endings, words and sentences using a variety of innovative approaches to unlock reading.
- Decoding starts with letter sound recognition and progresses through every four-syllable word in the first 3 Harry Potters.
Delivery: 20-25 minute sessions 3-5 times a week. Supervised by 1 trained TA working with 10 learners.
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Year 5 - 9: ReadingWise Comprehension is a powerful, engaging and fun literacy intervention module to develop the quest for meaning behind a narrative. Its content, structure and design deliver age appropriate sessions for primary and secondary schools.
ReadingWise Comprehension empowers learners through key strategies.
- Strategies include questioning, summarising and thinking ahead to transform reluctant readers into enthusiastic, book-hungry participants.
- Work through structured sessions, with supporting lesson plans, developing 4 ‘Mega Skills’ – the core strategies for improving understanding and building a reader’s self-esteem.
Delivery: 10 week programme, 45 minute sessions run twice a week in groups of 10, with one trained member of staff.
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We have developed a bright and engaging classroom poster to reinforce key comprehension strategies.
Grab your free comprehension skills poster
Years 2-11: Vocab aims to reinforce words that you are bringing to life in the classroom. You are providing context - we are helping embed the words in learners' long-term memories.

Vocab is a special vocabulary programme for learners aged 6 - 16, for primaries and secondaries.
- Our system carefully scaffolds your word lists and delivers sequenced, spaced-learning to interrupt the forgetting curve.
- The system knows when your learners have mastered a word and moves it into a revision cycle.
- Your learners will interact with word classes, definitions, example sentences, synonyms, antonyms and images; as their confidence increases, the scaffolding decreases.
Delivery: 10 minute sessions 3-5 times a week - at home, at school, or a mix of both. Evidence suggests shorter, more regular sessions are better than longer, irregular sessions.
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Reception and Y1: Zip’s objective is to close the gap between reading age and chronological age in KS1. It can be used as a whole class activity or a group activity for those who struggled to pass the phonics check.
Zip is an adaptive learning programme for children aged 5 - 7 learning to decode.- It uses adaptive learning via algorithms to understand how secure a pupil is in relation to a letter/ word-sound correspondence.
- Zip has proven to be particularly beneficial in schools with EAL pupils where it can also be used to support the school’s home engagement strategy.
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The Learner's Library is a fun and engaging way for learners to hone their comprehension skills using learning resources in the form of extracts from children’s timeless classics, from Alice in Wonderland to Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG.
The books have been chosen for their power to appeal to young readers' wild imaginations and build their desire and confidence to progress on their own reading journey.
- The Classics collection
- Roald Dahl collection
- Levelled texts
Use as a whole class activity to power-up comprehension skills in preparation for the reading SATs. Identify where Decoding and Comprehension intervention is required.
Secondary schools – literacy interventionUse the library as an extension to Comprehension to encourage further practice of reading skills.
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Advantages of working with ReadingWise
- Evidence-based interventions for every age group (whether reading age or chronological age).
- Literacy interventions that are easy to deliver, supervised or unsupervised depending on the pupil's age and reading challenges.
- Literacy reading programmes are just as effective for pupils who are new to the English language (EAL) and those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and from disadvantaged backgrounds where reading isn’t encouraged at home.
- Pricing and packages are based on your school’s needs. We will help you justify the spending under the Pupil Premium Budget.
- A Department for Education (DfE) RCT study found ReadingWise increased reading ages by 9.5 months in 1 term and ReadingWise pupils improved twice as fast compared to the control group.
- Comprehensive training and support, tailored to the needs of your school, teachers, TAs, and other software you need to integrate with it to monitor and track reading progress, attainment, and fluency.
“ReadingWise is our trust-wide reading intervention strategy for all 23 of our secondary schools. It has provided an accessible and inclusive solution to help all pupils become fluent readers.”
“The Vocab module is used successfully across all schools to support Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary and is closely linked to our ambitious curriculum. The Comprehension module serves our struggling readers and the Decoding module supports our early readers to make rapid improvements.”
“The ReadingWise team goes the extra mile to personalise the product to meet our needs. Within the last 12 months, the number of fluent readers has increased significantly and this includes disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs.”
Lisa Crausby, OBE, Executive Director, Star Academies
Check out our Star Academies Multi-Academy Trust case study.
See what other headteachers and literacy leads say about ReadingWise in our case studies and frequently updated testimonials.
Boost your school's literacy results: Arrange your 20-minute demo at a time to suit you.
We highly recommend you spend 20-minutes running through the programme with our friendly and knowledgeable team by booking a demo to suit your diary.