Here are the most important dates that primary school teachers and headteachers need to know when it comes to reading and writing (literacy) at KS1 and KS2 for the 2023 - 2024 academic year.
KS1 & KS2 Assessments: 2023 - 2024 Academic Year
Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)
Since September 2021, it’s statutory that primary schools conduct a reception baseline assessment (RBA) to understand children’s abilities in:
- Language, communication, and literacy
- Mathematics
The RBA must be carried out within the first 6 weeks of a pupil starting in a reception class (Y1, KS1), so in most cases, this needs to be completed before mid-October, before the October half term.
 from TES.png)
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Assessment (EYFS)
The EYFS profile is a statutory assessment of children’s development at the end of the academic year in which children turn 5 in KS1 ⏤ before they’ve finished reception. It must be administered and submitted to the local authority no later than 30 June 2024.
 Teaching Resources from TES.png)
Optional Key Stage 1 tests (KS1)
Since 1 September 2023, it’s no longer statutory for teachers to administer tests at the end of Key Stage 1. The reception baseline assessment (RBA) was designed to replace this.
However, if teachers want to assess how well pupils are performing at the end of KS1 then this test can be administered during May 2024.
Key Stage 2 Tests (KS2): SATs
The statutory key stage 2 tests, also known as the SATs are an important assessment in the academic life of every primary school. The KS2 tests help to assess how well students are performing and the reading and numeracy abilities of children before they enter secondary school (KS3)
Monday 13 May 2024:
English grammar, punctuation, and spelling papers 1 and 2
Tuesday 14 May 2024:
English reading
Wednesday 15 May 2024:
Mathematics papers 1 and 2
Thursday 16 May 2024:
Mathematics paper 3

Schools also must administer the multiplication tables check within the 2-week period from Monday 3 June 2024. As we only focus on literacy, we haven’t published an article about this as it’s unfortunately not something ReadingWise can help primary school teachers with.
Phonics screening check
2024's Phonics Screening Check or Phonics Screening Test will happen the week commencing Monday the 10th June 2024.
ReadingWise and Primary School (KS1 - KS2) Assessments 2023 - 2024: Our Resources
In 2018 as part of a government-funded study, the impact of ReadingWise Zip was explored in 17 schools across year 1. The impact was promising as the reading gap between chronological age and reading age closed in a short space of time.
ReadingWise Zip is extremely easy to deliver and in effect 'fills in the gaps' in learners' phonics knowledge as the programme understands each child's strengths and weaknesses and therefore focuses on the areas that need more work. ReadingWise Zip is not a full phonics programme but a supplementary resource that can support and reinforce your phonics programme.
To trial ReadingWise Zip please arrange a demo through the link below and we look forward to discussing your needs.
Find out everything you need to know about ReadingWise Zip and other ReadingWise modules for your primary school with our friendly, knowledgeable team.
Take a look at our other modules that would benefit pupils at primary school. Over 100,000 pupils in UK schools have completed a ReadingWise programme!
ReadingWise produces massive improvements in reading fluency, reading skills, and literacy in a short timescale. A Department for Education (DfE) RCT study found ReadingWise increased reading ages by 9.5 months in 1 term and ReadingWise pupils improved twice as fast compared to the control group.