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10 Reasons why schools use ReadingWise?
1. Raises reading ages
ReadingWise can help you narrow the attainment gap in your classroom. Research consistently shows it raises the reading ages of struggling readers by an average of over nine months in under 20 hours.
2. Maximises reach, empowers teaching assistants
Only one adult to 10 learners is needed and the programme does not need specialised teachers - teaching assistants can learn in half a day how to deliver it.
3. It works where other programmes have failed
ReadingWise specifically targets the 20% of all learners who have struggled to read using mainstream methods.
4. It makes a real difference for individual children
By using the programme you’ll know that you’ve done all you can to improve the educational outcomes for all the individual learners in your class.
5. Supports all children who are struggling
It works for anyone who struggles with any aspect of reading - adults, children - even those diagnosed with a learning difficulty such as dyslexia.
6. It works particularly well for children with behavioural difficulties
Because of its advanced “grounding” techniques, designed to improve concentration, ReadingWise raises reading ages in children with attention difficulties particularly effectively.
7. It works for all aspects of literacy
ReadingWise helps everyone, from readers who can hardly read one letter to those who just have difficulty with long words, to those developing their comprehension.
8. It makes learning fun and effortless
ReadingWise uses a remarkable unique system of letter recognition that brings about effortless learning in early readers of all ages and abilities.
9. There are 1,000 Animated lessons
It contains over a thousand animated lessons and incorporates multi-sensory activities. Learners are encouraged to work independently and are rewarded for accuracy.
10. It’s a social enterprise
Our goal at ReadingWise English is to enable every poor reader in the UK (and the rest of the English-speaking world) to have access to this programme so they don’t get left behind. That’s why the cost of this programme is so low.