ReadingWise Reading Interventions at Eden Girls' School, Coventry, With Outstanding Ofsted Results

Another school we work with, Eden Girls' School, Coventry, received an Ofsted inspection in 2023, with the inspectors concluding that it “continues to be an outstanding school.”

Eden Girls' School in Coventry, is an academy-led, faith-based (Islamic) secondary school, for girls in year 7 to year 11 (KS3 - KS4). Although it is exclusively for girls and predominantly Muslim, Eden promotes fundamental British values and welcomes applications from all faiths and none. Eden is part of Star Academies, a prestigious multi-academy trust (MAT), with 22 other secondary schools around the UK (23 in total).

Star Academies provides numerous opportunities for students in all of its schools, such as extra-curricular and leadership development, and is well-equipped to support and improve schools that were struggling before they joined the academy group. Star Academies is also skilled at supporting teachers, TAs, SENDcos, and leadership teams in schools where there is a higher-than-average number of pupils with SEND and EAL needs.

Take a look at our work with Star Academies

Eden selected ReadingWise Comprehension and ReadingWise Decoding in February 2022. Both interventions are in place as of 2024, and the school expects to continue working with us to support learners into the future.

In May 2023, Eden Girls' School had its Ofsted inspection, achieving another Outstanding grade (its previous inspection in 2017 was also outstanding, following its opening in 2014).

School report Inspection of an outstanding school: Eden Girls' School

At ReadingWise, we are proud to champion the schools we work with. Here are a few of the highlights from the report:

“Pupils thrive and excel in this inclusive school. They are respectful, courteous, and friendly. Staff have high expectations of pupils, and pupils live up to these. At all times, pupils’ behaviour is impeccable. They are engaged, enthused, and willing to take part in all aspects of school life.”

“The ‘star’ values of service, teamwork, ambition, and respect underpin school life. Leaders’ ambition for what pupils can achieve goes well beyond the academic. All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/disabilities (SEND), benefit from the extensive opportunities on offer. These include hosting charity events, debating club, and enterprise and business-related activities.”

What does the Ofsted report say about reading?

“Reading is at the heart of school life.”

“There are many opportunities for pupils to read widely and often, for example ‘read aloud’ during form time where the tutor reads to the pupils. Older pupils also read with their younger ‘buddies’.”

“The books are inclusive and diverse, and ensure that pupils learn about different cultures, faiths, and relationships. Pupils who struggle to read are given the help and support they need, so that they can catch up quickly. As a result, pupils develop their fluency and passion for reading”

As this shows:

How ReadingWise supports reading and literacy at Eden Girls' School

ReadingWise is an online, evidence-backed, intervention programme designed for every aspect of reading – decoding, comprehension, and vocabulary. This provides leaders, teachers, TAs, and SENDcos with a coherent, unified approach to improving literacy.

To support literacy and reading across the school, Eden benefits from access to the following modules:

Decoding: So much more than just another phonics programme for Years 2-11. Our decoding module, for primaries and secondaries, develops deep independence in learners, empowers them, and consistently improves reading ages by over 9 months in just 20 hours.

Decoding is a powerful literacy intervention module.

Delivery: 20-25 minute sessions 3-5 times a week. Supervised by 1 trained TA working with 10 learners.

Comprehension: A powerful, engaging, and fun literacy intervention module to develop the quest for meaning behind a narrative for Years 5 - 9. Its content, structure, and design deliver age-appropriate sessions for primary and secondary schools.

ReadingWise Comprehension empowers learners through key strategies.

  • Strategies include questioning, summarising, and thinking ahead to transform reluctant readers into enthusiastic, book-hungry participants.
  • Work through structured sessions, with supporting lesson plans, developing 4 ‘Mega Skills’ – the core strategies for improving understanding and building a reader’s self-esteem.
  • Delivery: 10 week programme, 45-minute sessions run twice a week in groups of 10, with one trained member of staff.

    Vocab: A special vocabulary programme for learners aged 6 - 16 (Years 2-11), for primaries and secondaries.

    Vocab aims to reinforce words that you are bringing to life in the classroom. You are providing context - we are helping embed the words in learners' long-term memories.

  • Our system carefully scaffolds your word lists and delivers sequenced, spaced-learning to interrupt the forgetting curve.
  • The system knows when your learners have mastered a word and moves it into a revision cycle.
  • Your learners will interact with word classes, definitions, example sentences, synonyms, antonyms and images; as their confidence increases, the scaffolding decreases.
  • Delivery: 10 minute sessions 3-5 times a week - at home, at school, or a mix of both. Evidence suggests shorter, more regular sessions are better than longer, irregular sessions.

    Zip : An adaptive learning programme for children aged 5 - 7 (Reception and Y1) learning to decode.

  • It uses adaptive learning via algorithms to understand how secure a pupil is with a letter/ word-sound correspondence.
  • Zip has proven to be particularly beneficial in schools with EAL pupils where it can also be used to support the school’s home engagement strategy.
  • Delivery: 5-10-minute sessions a day – at school or home. Supervised by one trained member of staff.

    Over 300,000 pupils in UK schools have completed a ReadingWise programme! We hope to help you and your children, too.

    Training for schools and teachers

    Staff at every level, including teachers, TAs, literacy leads, and SEND specialists, were trained in Zip, Vocab, Comprehension, and Decoding, the four modules deployed to raise reading levels across this outstanding secondary school.

    Over 300,000 pupils in UK schools have completed a ReadingWise programme! We hope to help you and your children, too.

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