Using Recovery Pupil Premium Funding Effectively To Improve Reading

The government has released updated details of the recovery premium payments for pupils eligible for pupil premium funding. This blogpost aims to summarise how school leaders can use this funding effectively to improve outcomes and close learning gaps.

pupil premium recovery funding

Using Recovery Pupil Premium Funding Effectively To Improve Reading

As per this recent DfE update, the government has released dates and guidance to support schools in using their recovery premium funding effectively.

What You Need to Know: Pupil eligibility and indicative funding rates for academic year 2022 to 2023

Funding Rates

Mainstream education:

Other eligible schools, and special education units in mainstream schools:

The 'Floor' Minimum Payment

Payment Schedule for the Academic Year 2022 - 2023

Payments will be sent to local authorities on:

Payments will be sent to academies (and free schools) on:

How to Use Recovery Premium Funding

Government guidance suggests that schools must spend the premium on evidence-based approaches to support pupils. The 'gold-standard' of evidence is considered the randomised controlled trial (RCT).

The DfE funded a RCT examining the efficacy of ReadingWise. This study found that the programme increased reading ages by an average of 9.9 months in 12 hours of intervention - almost twice as fast as the control group. These results were verified by Dr Becky Allen, a highly respected academic.

Aligning with the 'Menu of approaches'

Guidance states that "As with pupil premium, any activities funded by recovery premium must align with the ‘menu of approaches’ from the start of the 2022 to 2023 academic year."

The menu of approaches (image below) is on page 7 of this government-issued 'Using pupil premium: guidance for school leaders' document. ReadingWise aligns with the highlighted areas on the menu as per below.

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