The Last Bear by Hannah Gold

Vocabulary and word list from The Last Bear by Hannah Gold - Vocabulary is added to our Vocab module

The Last Bear by Hannah Gold

Hannah Gold's ‘The Last Bear’ is a gorgeous tale that explores the deep emotional connection between a young girl and a polar bear. This heart-warming story takes readers on a journey through the bond that forms between a lonely bear, and a courageous girl called April, as they navigate the challenges of their respective worlds. As well as being a beautiful read, there are a number of profound themes that emerge, offering excellent topics for discussion in the classroom.

‘The Last Bear’ follows the story of April, a spirited young girl who finds herself on a remote island in Norway. Amidst the desolate landscape, she encounters a polar bear, who she names simply as ‘Bear’. As their friendship blossoms, the book beautifully illustrates the resilience and compassion that can exist between humans and wildlife. The narrative is rich with emotional depth, offering readers a window into the enduring power of friendship and empathy.

Gold's evocative writing style paints a vivid picture of the Arctic wilderness, immersing readers in the beauty and harshness of the landscape. Through her descriptive prose, she captures the raw majesty of the polar bear's natural habitat and invites the reader to contemplate the impact of climate change on these magnificent creatures. The book serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Not only does April’s relationship with Bear generate an instinctive compassion towards animals, but it also underscores the urgent need to protect their habitats. The emotional language prompts the reader to contemplate their own role in preserving the natural world and advocating for the welfare of endangered species.

Amidst the challenges and obstacles that April and Bear encounter, the book is alive with themes of hope and resilience. As they navigate their respective struggles, the book imparts valuable lessons about perseverance and the unyielding strength of the human spirit. Gold's storytelling offers a profound sense of optimism, inspiring readers to confront adversity with courage and compassion.

While perhaps best suited to key stage 2 readers aged 8 or above, ‘The Last Bear’ by Hannah Gold is a poignant and emotionally resonant tale that transcends age barriers. Through its eloquent prose and heartfelt storytelling, the book ignites a sense of empathy and environmental consciousness, while celebrating the enduring bond between a young girl and a polar bear. Readers, parents and teachers alike are reminded of the profound connections that bind us to the natural world, and the transformative power of compassion.

See below for ‘The Last Bear’ words. You can also access an editable list here.

 The Last Bear by Hannah Gold - Vocabulary

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