Administrators and supervisors are able to view learner progress and administrators can set up other school administrators and supervisors. Here are descriptions of the columns as per the image above.
Green Tick: This signals that the learner has already completed a ReadingWise lesson plan. Clicking on 'view' gives you access to the retrospective data and reporting so you can build a narrative for ofsted and account for the spend (for pupil premium for example).
Last Use: This column gives you the date of last login to the ReadingWise English programme.
Time: This column gives you the cumulative time spent on the ReadingWise English programme.
Accuracy: This column indicates the percentage of accuracy a learner has achieved.
Activity: This column gives you details of a learners average activity in the ReadingWise English programme. Activity, put simply, is calculated by looking at how much a learner interacts with the programme. The calculation is different depending on the lesson type. For example, show and tell lessons do not affect the activity rate, while word-to-sound slides from 100% (interaction every 3 seconds) to 0% (no interaction for 10 seconds or more).
Progress: This column shows you how far a learner is through a module.
Focus: Based on our research, and reflected in the recent EEF research on the most effective use of TAs, we believe that 20 minutes of ReadingWise English per day is optimum. The focus column demonstrates how close a learner is to this 20 minute per day ideal.
The view you see gives you an overview over the last 2 weeks, which means you can tell at a glance whether things are going as planned. If so - excellent! You are maximising the chances of significant impact. If not - you can dive in and find out whether attendance is an issue, or if there is some other reason for the gaps in sessions.
Lesson: This column allows you to identify exactly which lesson a learner is working on. You can click the lesson name and visit the lesson directly from the dashboard.
Not yet onboard? Book a demo and we will talk you through the ReadingWise English programme in 20 minutes.