Updated 17th January 2025
What is 'creating word lists'?
The ReadingWise Vocab module allows teachers to create their own word lists to make it easy to reinforce vocabulary teaching. Initially this was done by sending a list to the ReadingWise team. Now teachers can create their own word list independently when logged in to the ReadingWise system.
The benefits of creating your own word lists include:
- Being able to integrate your target vocabulary into the online Vocab programme;
- Vocab being in harmony with the words covered in class;
- Printable resources based on your word list.
What do I need to use this?
You will need to have a school admin account with access to the ReadingWise Vocab module. If you don’t have this yet, either trial the Vocab module or get in touch to discuss gaining access.How does it work?
We've worked very hard to make this as simple as possible. Creating a word list is a 4-step process.

1. Create a new word list.
Log in and click on the Vocab icon. Now, click on ‘create word list’. Then you'll give it a name, select wheather you'd like to allocate a pre and post quiz, and add any description.
2. Add words to your list.
Once you've saved your new word list you'll be prompted to create a 'group of words'. For example, if your word list is called 'Happy words' then your first group of words might be 'Words from chapter 1'.
These groups of words should contain approximately 15 words. When using Tasks, 15 words is about the right length - and the smallest task is 1 group of words.
Then you type in your words and save. You can add as many groups of words as you'd like.

3. Check and amend the content.

Each word has several elements connected to it:
- defintion;
- word class;
- synonyms;
- antonyms;
- example sentence;
- image;
For words already in our system, the programme will automatically assign a pre-prepared definition. You can customise this using the pencil key if you would like to add a more specialised / setting-specific definition.
If your word is new and does not already have a definition, you can choose to add one or you can leave this to the RW team.
4. Request approval
If you've made changes to the content or added anything, the ReadingWise team double check your list to make sure it is perfect. This includes checking the audio support is in place and so on.
We aim to check and approve lists within 4 weeks, but expect this to happen more quickly in most instances. If you don't make any changes, then you don't need the list to be approved and it will be available immediately.

Are there more detailed instructions?
For a full step-by-step run through of creating word lists, please login and visit this teacher training page.
Free trial Vocab
Vocab could be an amazing addition to your school's vocabulary teaching. Find out for yourself with a free trial. You'll get all the usual exceptional support you could wish for from our friendly and knowledgeable team.
Feedback please!
As ever, we love your feedback and take it on board to hone each feature so that it works for you and your learners. Get in touch with the ReadingWise team and let us know what you think. Email us via the contact page! Thanks for working with us to improve reading.
"First things first, the kids absolutely love it! Would carry on all day if they could."