What made literacy one of your top priorities and when?
"In June 2022 reading across all stages dipped to the lowest levels for several years, to 61%. In August 2022, we looked at making changes to policy, pedagogy and resources. By June 2023, reading levels had increased to 68%. Analysis of this data showed that many pupils required reading intervention to address specific gaps with the aim of achieving expected levels. Our focus is to return to/exceed pre-pandemic levels. Intervention planning began in August 2023 when pupils from P3-P7 were identified as being off-track with reading. We established that this was due to a variety of reasons: pupils struggling with blending, poor sight vocabulary retention, limited word attack strategies & lack of comprehension."
At Mossvale Primary ReadingWise made a significant contribution to a school-wide, energising and well structured literacy programme. The results speak for themselves and are shared in the report, downloadable via the form.
"We currently have 40 pupils active on ReadingWise modules, facilitated by three members of our support staff."