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Comprehension Strategy 10: Emotion Journey

Comprehension Strategy 10: Emotion Journey

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'Emotion Journey' - 10 of 12 in our comprehension resource

Comprehension Strategy 9: Word Web

Comprehension Strategy 9: Word Web

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'Word Web' - 9 of 12 in our comprehension resource

Why The Reading Curriculum Needs To Change If We Want To Raise Girls' Aspirations

Why The Reading Curriculum Needs To Change If We Want To Raise Girls' Aspirations

Surely inspiring girls by regularly exposing them to strong female role models in the books they read would have a significant, positive influence?

Comprehension Strategy 8: Word Pairs

Comprehension Strategy 8: Word Pairs

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'Word Pairs' - 8 of 12 in our comprehension resource

Comprehension Strategy 7: Tricky Words

Comprehension Strategy 7: Tricky Words

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'Tricky Words' - 7 of 12 in our comprehension resource

Comprehension Strategy 6: Discuss

Comprehension Strategy 6: Discuss

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'Discuss' - 6 of 12 in our comprehension resource

Comprehension Strategy 5: Digging Deeper

Comprehension Strategy 5: Digging Deeper

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'Digging Deeper' - 5 of 12 in our comprehension resource

Comprehension Strategy 4: Look-Back Race

Comprehension Strategy 4: Look-Back Race

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'look-back race' - 4 of 12 in our comprehension resource

Comprehension Strategy 3: Prediction Connections

Comprehension Strategy 3: Prediction Connections

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'prediction connections' - 3 of 12 in our comprehension resource

Comprehension Strategy 2: Key Words

Comprehension Strategy 2: Key Words

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'key words' - 2 of 12 in our comprehension resource

Comprehension Strategy 1: Think Aloud

Comprehension Strategy 1: Think Aloud

Comprehension strategies are seen as one of the most effective ways of helping struggling readers. In this article we explore the rationale behind the mini-skill 'Think Aloud' - 1 of 12 in our comprehension resource

3 Reasons Why Comprehension Strategies Make For An Effective Literacy Intervention

3 Reasons Why Comprehension Strategies Make For An Effective Literacy Intervention

An exploration of comprehension strategies and why they underpin the ReadingWise comprehension intervention. Part 1 in a series of 13 blog posts.

Dyslexia-Friendly Literacy Intervention

Dyslexia-Friendly Literacy Intervention

We've integrated a dyslexia-friendly font to further our goals of inclusivity and empowerment

Scottish Schools' Recommendations for the First Minister’s Reading Challenge

Scottish Schools' Recommendations for the First Minister’s Reading Challenge

Scottish schools give us their book recommendations for the First Minister’s Reading Challenge.

Girls Education Forum

Girls Education Forum

‘A world where all girls complete free primary and secondary education with the skills, knowledge and opportunities to lead a productive and fulfilling life’

5 Summer Reads: Key Stage 2

5 Summer Reads: Key Stage 2

Today we’re back with part two of our summer reading recommendations - this time for key stage two readers!

Key Stage 1 Summer Reads

Key Stage 1 Summer Reads

Five great books to round off a fine summer's day with your key stage 1 children

Empowering Students at Forehill Primary School

Empowering Students at Forehill Primary School

See the impact of ReadingWise English at Forehill Primary School, South Ayrshire.

SSAT Achievement Show 2016

SSAT Achievement Show 2016

Looking forward to meeting you on Thursday 23rd June at the Emirates Stadium!

Mega Skills Poster - Comprehension Strategies On Your Classroom Wall

Mega Skills Poster - Comprehension Strategies On Your Classroom Wall

Make the invisible visible and help reinforce your comprehension interventions through an 'artefact'

Arrange your 20-minute demo at a time to suit you.

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